Connecting the Future

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Copyright:Beijing Telecompass Space Technology Co.,Ltd



System Solutions

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Measurement and control and digital transmission systems are facing increasing challenges, due to the coexistence of multiple signal systems with the development of new technologies.

Consisting of an on-board transponder and a ground-based measurement and control communication device, the spacecraft measurement and control subsystem completes functions such as telemetry, remote control, ranging, speed measurement, and service data communication. Consisting of an on-board transmitter and a ground receiving station,the digital transmission system completes high-speed data transmission function. In order to ensure the reliable operation of the subsystem, it is necessary to test the components of the wireless link of the subsystem before the launch of the spacecraft. The test coverage and measurement accuracy needed to be very high.

BTSTC can provide satellite, rocket, spacecraft and others with completing wireless link solutions in signal system verification, equipment development, subsystem testing, integrated assembly, and field inspection. It has the following advantages:

☆ Universalization: With strong processing power and processing margin, the hardware platform can be adapted to the needs of multiple mission models (different modulation methods, bandwidth, transmission rates, etc.) by updating the software.

☆ Scalability and upgradeability: The platform achieves different functions using modularity, for example, by increasing the number of signal processing modules extends the system size, and by upgrading the RF module increases the RF frequency.

☆ Integration and automation: All devices of the high integrated subsystem can be controlled through the network. At the same time, the subsystem can be integrated with spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, power conditionings and matrix switches. What’s more, the subsystems are highly automated and efficient.

☆ Convenient to secondary development: The subsystem has lots of secondary development interface opening to users. Users can easily carry out secondary development and improvement, which improve the user's research and development capabilities.

Developed by BTSTC, the measurement and control and digital transmission system can be widely applied to various types of spacecraft. The wireless link test solution is suitable for various occasions such as research and development, production, integration, verification, and field test of wireless communication equipment,which help customers quickly completing equipment development, improving customer R&D capabilities, accelerating product delivery cycles, and significantly reducing overall costs.